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Pet Care Tips

Heart Murmurs in Dogs

Heart Murmurs in Dogs

Your dog may have been diagnosed with a heart murmur, but what exactly does that mean? Today, our Lacey vets explain what a heart murmur is in dogs and share some of the possible causes, diagnostic methods and treatments.

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Heatstroke in Dogs

Heatstroke in Dogs

This time of year the temperatures begin to soar along with the risk of heatstroke for our canine companions. Here, our Lacey vets talk about what heatstroke is and how it happens, the symptoms to watch out for and when you should worry.

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Dog Skin Allergies

Dog Skin Allergies

Skin allergies in dogs can cause a variety of very uncomfortable symptoms, luckily, these symptoms are manageable. Our Lacey vets talk about what dog skin allergies are and what treatment options are available to provide much-needed relief for your dog.

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MRI Scans For Dogs at Veterinary Diagnostic Labs

MRI Scans For Dogs at Veterinary Diagnostic Labs

While most conditions and symptoms that dogs experience can be diagnosed and treated using standard methods, there may be neurological concerns that require specialized diagnostic equipment to help determine. Today our Lacey vets share some things you should know about MRI scans and how this diagnostic procedure utilized at veterinary diagnostics labs can help diagnose your dog allowing treatment to begin sooner.

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Spider Bites on Dogs

Spider Bites on Dogs

While spiders like to lurk in areas that make it difficult for humans or their pets to come into contact with them, the rare case may occur which can result in a spider bite. While some spider bites don't cause any harm there are others that can cause serious complications. Our Lacey emergency vets discuss the different types of spider bites and which spiders may cause concerning symptoms for your dog.

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Laryngitis in Cats

Laryngitis in Cats

Have you noticed that your cat has lost its voice or doesn't sound like it usually does? There are many reasons why your cat may begin to exhibit symptoms of laryngitis. Here, our Lacey veterinary team talk about the common causes of laryngitis in cats as well as the symptoms and causes.

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How to Tell If My Cat Has a Broken Leg?

How to Tell If My Cat Has a Broken Leg?

Accidents can unexpectedly happen at any point in time. Even for animals as graceful as cats. Our Lacey vets provide some knowledge on sprains and broken legs in cats, what the symptoms are and how they are treated.

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Dog Wound Care: Complete Guide

Dog Wound Care: Complete Guide

Most wounds your dog experiences will be minor and can be managed at home. However, there may be a time that requires veterinary attention. Today our Lacey vets discuss how to care for your dog's wounds as well as when you should seek care from a vet.

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Cats Sleeping : Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

Cats Sleeping : Why Do Cats Sleep So Much?

No doubt about it, cats love to sleep. Our Lacey vets are often asked by concerned cat owners if they should be worried that their cat sleeps so much. When does a cat nap indicate that there may actually be a health emergency?

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Heavy Bleeding in Cats & Dogs

Heavy Bleeding in Cats & Dogs

If your cat or dog is experiencing excessive bleeding then you need to contact your emergency vet right away while monitoring the condition of your pet. Here, our emergency vets in Lacey explain the difference between internal and external heavy bleeding in cats and dogs as well as how to control the situation until you arrive at the emergency vet clinic.

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At Olympia Pet Emergency, you can always access our full complement of emergency services without an appointment. We treat both walk-in patients and referrals for urgent veterinary care.

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